Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trail Guide NOV 2016

Trail Guide Newsletter NOVEMBER 2016

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Office Reminders

Beginning Oct 1st the OLT office will be closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The office will be open from 10am to 6pm FRI thru TUE.  Please schedule park visits for WED & THUR in advance.

Thanksgiving Dinner
SAT NOV 12 | 6:00 PM
 OLT will supply the Turkey & Ham, members bring sides.  There is a form in the office or clubhouse to list the dish and/or dessert you are bringing.  There is an online form available.  It is mobile friendly and allows you to see what others are bringing.  After you submit your response you can change or submit a new one.
Thanksgiving Dinner Side Dish List CLICK HERE

We were lucky to have nice weather for this years event.  For minimal planning time the event went well.  Guests enjoyed vendors from artists and writers to crafts and baked goods.  The Live Band "By Design" played till Midnight in the pavilion.  Skip Performed one song with the band, a great rendition of "Johnny be Good".

The Halloween dance and costume party was a great success.  The clubhouse was standing room only with many colorful creative costumes, such as, Beetlejuice, a Dinosaur, clowns, "Donald Trunk", Frankenstein, Cleopatra, a gorilla, pirates and many more.

Park News
A message from Chaplain Carol & Ron:
There is a container in the clubhouse and also in the chapel for non-perishable foods and donations for the Stroud food pantry. I will deliver the thanksgiving supplies Nov the pantry. We will continue to take donations for Christmas after Nov. 8th.Deadline for Christmas is Dec 13. Thank You

OLT Members Survey

Thank You to every one who participated, there were 100 responses!  
Community News
Help support the Milfay Volunteer Fire Department at their annual TURKEY & DRESSING DINNER (with all the trimmings) on Saturday, November 5th from 4:30 to 7:00 pm at the Milfay School Cafeteria. Tickets are $7.00 for adults; $6.00 for seniors and students; and free for kids 5 and under.
Physical Address: 
Milfay Volunteer Fire Department
28102 S 513th W AVE
Milfay, OK 74046
Mailing Address:
Milfay Volunteer Fire Department
PO Box 89
Milfay, OK 74046
Phone: (918) 324-5613
     Fax: (918) 968-4241
The internet is really big.  It keeps growing bigger every day.  If you want to search it effectively you're going to need a couple of tricks to help you narrow the search.  Try using +, - and " " (quotes) to narrow your searches.  Let's say you searched for apples on  If you just type in "apples" you get 22 million returns.  A few more sites than you can check in an afternoon so let's narrow the search down.  Let's say that what you're really interested in is green apples.  To see all the apple websites that also have the word "green" on them type this: apples+green, Now you will only see those apple sites that also have the word green on them.  To narrow the search even more eliminate a word.  For example, some of the websites are also about Apple Computers so get rid of them by typing this: apples+green-computers.  A final way to narrow the search is to use quotes to narrow the search to an exact phrase.  For example if what we're really interested in is granny smith apples we can add that to the search like this: apples+green-computers"granny smith" Now I will only see websites that have the words "granny smith" on them in that order spelled the way I spelled them.
These techniques will work in most search engines, not just Google.
Greetings All,

I wanted to take moment to express how very excited I am to be the OLT activities director for 2017.

I have some cool ideas for theme weekends and some new fun and games we can all get into. I will be searching for new talent to bring your way as well. But don't worry you will still have the opportunity to enjoy good times with your long time favorites who have continued to rock OLT over the years.

The activities position is a huge undertaking as I am sure those that have come before me will corroborate, and one that certainly cannot be done alone.
I am open to any and all ideas and suggestions for what you might like to see as far as entertainment and what you would like to do as far as activities.  I will also be forming a committee to make it all happen. I'll be visiting OLT for two weeks at the beginning of November to start the party ball rolling. It will be so great to see all of you.

Peace and Love.
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2016 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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 (918) 324-5999

Our mailing address is:
Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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