Friday, December 8, 2017

Trail Guide Newsletter - DECEMBER 2017

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OLT Newsletter Subscribers Count = 1

Oaklake Trails Office:
Office Closed WED & THU:
Please schedule park visits in advance on those day's.

Property taxes are due by the 31 of December.
Notification letters are available in the office.

Map of the Common areas


Map of the Trails


There will be an OPEN HOUSE at the new cabin on the West Ridge at Lot #110, December 16, 3:00pm to 5:30pm. (This is the afternoon of the Christmas Dance.) There will be light snacks. The pleasure of your company is plenty. Please, no house warming gifts. We would have to find places for them and write a lot of thank you notes.
Joe & Jeane
OLT Christmas Tree 2017

Oaklake Flood Control 
On the OLT property there are nine of these small lakes that retain water flow during peak rain periods, typically in the spring and fall.
This is the final continuation in the OLT lakes series.  We will look at the 3 final lakes on our list.

To view the entire lakes series please refer to the OCT & NOV newsletters by visiting our NEWSLETTER BLOG.   It hosts a running digital archive of past Trail Guide Newsletters.
Once you have hiked most of the trails, you can become more
an adventurist and take side trails or walk the trails
backwards from these instructions.

Scum Lake: (scum pond) or (bare lake)
East past the pavilion and down past the first R.V. site is
a small pond that has a blue-green hue.  It looks like a
scum, but if you move the tiny leaves of the plant aside,
there is a clear water below the surface.  The pond doesn't
deserve the name.

Yacht Club Lake: (marsh lake)
This lake is down the fairway from the gazebo and is easily
identified by a large cottonwood tree growing out of it's
dam.  Take trail #2 for about 200 yards, the lake is on
your left.  Beware of an alligator on the fairway side!
Stepping on it accidently could result on a nasty bite.

Milfay Road Lake: (Shamrock)
There is no trail to the lake which is located just a few
yards east off the Milfay Road.  It is perhaps 50 yards
south of the county line road which turns east.  The county
road is .5 miles north of the Trails Park driveway.  Not
especially noteworthy especially if you walk to it in
summer vegetation.  If you go to the lake you will have to
wear clothes because it is in sight of the road.
Written by: Ray & Diana

Digital Money?

OLT Military Honor Board

What is a Bitcoin Wallet?

A Bitcoin wallet is where you store your funds. You can think of it like a bank account that can be completely owned and controlled by you and not the bank. In concept, it is very similar to a traditional wallet in your back pocket but in digital format.
Bitcoin wallets come in various formats and designs but generally all provide the same functions of sending, receiving and storing your money.

Bitcoin consists of 2 keys; A Private Key and a Public Key
The private and public keys are mathematically fated to each other. One cannot function without the other.

Your private key is the single most important thing about Bitcoin and your wallet stores the key.
It is literally a long set of letters and numbers that only you should be able to access.

Poll Results:
Option      Votes    Percentage
ARMY             4             23.5%
MARINES       4             23.5%
NAVY              3             17.6%
AIR FORCE    6             35.3%

Total Votes cast: 17
Thank You to everyone who participated.
The board will be located in the clubhouse.  The set up "to be announced."


Immediately Following the Gift Exchange:
Back by popular demand:

There will be a Candlelight Gathering with Music in the Chapel.

Why is this Digital Money Important?  Because, the world of banking as we know it is changing!  OLT members could have an advantage by understanding it now.  Youtube videos by Andreas Antonopoulos is helpful information for the beginner.
Man's Best Friend and OLT
We here at OLT love our dogs and they are a part of our society in many ways. They come to our Sunset Socials and they visit with us and bring smiles to our faces.
They are positive factors in the lives of those of us who choose to include and accept them. They have a place here with us.
That being said, let's talk about the "place" of dogs at OLT. First of all, they are dogs and not people. As such they have to understand their place in the pack as it were and what their boundaries are.
One of those boundaries is a restriction on being able to roam the park alone.

The dog policy at OLT says that, "All pets on the main grounds must be leashed and/or controlled by their owners. Pets are not welcome at the Bistro, or at other food events, or in buildings, unless otherwise permitted (Pet friendly cabins). Clean up after your pets at all times. "

To be considered under control a dog should have their owner with them both to exert that control and to claim responsibility for that dog's behavior. Having a dog is a great thing but you as the owner can't just turn them out to do their own thing because like children, they'll do what they like with no thought to consequences. Their behavior and the consequences of that behavior are your responsibility as the owners.

Also along that same line I'd like to talk about enabling. What we encourage will be repeated, and what we consistently discourage will not. In terms of dog behavior, that means not letting dogs that are not your own sleep at/in your homes. Every dog here has a place but when they are allowed to crash at homes not their own it propagates the impression that they can go anywhere and can consider everywhere their domain. That may seem harmless……until they're digging in your garden or chewing bits that you prefer to have undamaged.

This all being said, we ask that you adhere to a few tenets. First, if it's not your dog don't let it sleep at or in your home. Send them away and do it consistently and they'll go where they're allowed. Their home. Secondly, if it's not your dog, don't feed them. Like any other animal if you feed them they'll keep coming back. Resist those big brown eyes and be strong! :-)  Lastly, don't make excuses for them. There is a standard of behavior for them and they have to consistently be held to it. As an example, "Spot isn't allowed in the house but others let him in". Folks, if it's not your dog don't undermine the discipline its owner is trying to instill.
If we stick to these common sense precepts we can keep smiles on both our faces and our furry friends
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2017 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc., All rights reserved.

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Our mailing address is:
Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trail Guide Newsletter NOVEMBER - 2017

Newsletter Subscribers 2 ----- View This Email Online




Office Reminders:

During the month of NOV the office will be closed 2 days per week.
The new office hours are:
OPEN - Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun - 10:00 AM To 6:00 PM
CLOSED Wednesday and Thursday.
Please call ahead to schedule visits on those days.
First time visitors must check-in at the office.

Please place trash & cigarette butts in the receptacles provided.


Thanks to Stacie, the 6th Annual Fall Arts Festival was a great success!  Guests enjoyed paintings, books, wine, health products, essential oils and much much more!  There was even a "detox" station for soaking your feet.

We also want to thank the Bistro and Mamma Tigs Pizza for "feeding the troops"

Our Annual Halloween Dance showcased some amazing costumes!
The Costume Contest Winners - Janet (devil) was the female , David (joker) was the male.
The pumpkin carving contest produced impressive designs!

After almost a decade of friendly, and faithful service in our OLT office, Dennis will be retiring at the end of 2017. Dennis is looking for a person or persons who would like to work with him in preparation for assuming this important position.
Those interested may contact Dennis, Jim H, or Gary S

To Sign The Nudist Bill of Rights

Special Oaklake Project!
OLT would like to HONOR our VETERANS by creating a photo display in the clubhouse.  All Oaklake Trails Members are encouraged to participate.  If anyone would like to submit photos (clothed in uniform or not) or stories please Email any info to:
We would like to know how many of our members have served in the military?  If you have a moment please answer the one question below by selecting the branch of the military you served in.  Thank You for your service!

This Project continues through November.  We are running it one more time to give everyone a chance to make a selection.
According to the American Legion:
The order of march is stated in regulation and calls for the Army to march first, followed by the Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and the Coast Guard. The same would be used to display the flags in one rank, such as a Color Guard, from left to right. (Military Regulation)

Participate in this Survey by Answering the following question:
 ** Which Branch of the Military did you serve in? **

Current Tally of OCTOBER Selections received:

ARMY           = 3
MARINES     = 1
NAVY            = 4

COAST GUARD      = 0

Next month we will publish the final tally of all the selection results.
STROUD: Tidewater Winery
54560 West Highway 16
Drumright, OK 74030
Phone: (918) 352-4900
BRISTOW:  Wal-Mart Super Center
W. 16 Hwy (918) 367-3335

Puzzle for November

Why play? Lots of reasons!
  • Playing Sudoku engages the brain
  • It can be relaxing, but challenging – you choose the level you want to play at!
  • It increases concentration and focus
  • For some people it can be as helpful as meditation in improving relaxation and calmness
  • It improves your logic and memory
  • Studies have shown that using the brain for puzzles such as Sudoku and Crosswords helps to slow the effects of dementia and alzheimers
  • You can play a Sudoku puzzle a bit at a time, you don't have to do it all at once, so it's ideal if you're likely to be interrupted
The aim is to fill in the whole grid by just counting and checking.
Fill a number in to every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1 to 9
You can only use each number once in each row, each column, and in each of the 3×3 boxes.
"Sudoku puzzles are provided by: – visit them and get a new Sudoku every day!"

The solution will be published in next months issue

Get the app or print newsletter to play
Oaklake Flood Control - Part 3
On the OLT property there are nine small lakes that retain water flow during peak rain periods, typically in the spring and fall.

This lake is east of Oak Lake.  It is so named for the failed zip line terminating on the west end of the dam.  There are two rusted 4 inch pipes sticking up out of the ground.
The upper end is north across a small wooden walk bridge where you will find two ison pipes like on the dam.  The zip line started here and was a great idea except it never really worked like it was envisioned by the designers.  The water on this end of the lake is only knee deep.
The trail to the lake starts off the Oak Lake Trail road at trail sign #1 and #3, and #5 and #7.  Down the graveled trail, it veers into the wooded area and passes by an unmarked trail.  The trail crosses a meadow to a "Y".  Take the trail #1 and #3 left and follow it to the dam.(Note trail sign #3 is backwards.)
Follow the trail east off the dam and up a steep, rocky section to the top.  Follow trail #1 and #3 left to another intersection with trail markers #1 and #3 pointing right.  Turn LEFT to return to the park.
Cable Lake trail is NOT suitable as a loop for golf carts because the trail up the east end of the dam is top steep and rocky for safe passage.
Authors: Ray & Diana
OLT Lakes Continued.......

Once you have hiked most of the trails, you can become more an adventurist and take side trails or walk the trails backwards from these instructions.

This Lake is East of Cable Lake on trail #3, and is the closest to the interstate I44.  Cat Tail plants grow thick along the south (interstate) side of the lake.  It is hard to find in the summer when vegetation is high.  There is no trail to the water's edge.

Diamond Lake:
Is on the Lone Oak Hiking trail just east of the cut-off.  The trail veers left around the lake.  Past the lake and perhaps 20 yards northeast off of the trail was for years a small wooden cross, perhaps with a permanent marker, was the inscription "Here Lays Our Diamonds."  Flowers were painted on the cross.  Was the marker for a departed pet?  Perhaps a horse?  Or maybe a jewel thief's hoard.  Access the lake by taking the Lone Oak Trail a short distance east from the Cut-Off on trail #3.

Beaver Lake:
Shortly after the club was started, a beaver chomped down a large cottonwood tree.  This lake is just south of the parking lot.  Take trail #5, across from the office and down the hill.  In about 200 yards. in the wooded part of the trail, on your right, is the lake.  There is no trail to the waters edge.
(next month we will list the final 3 lakes in this series)
Our new Clubhouse has been a blessing this year!
Many exciting events and Dances have been enjoyed.  If you have not seen it yet then this winter may be your chance!  Come on out, we will have indoor events for you to enjoy and the Hot Tub is always open!

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Definition: expressing or of the nature of necessary truth or absolute certainty

Did You Know?

Apodictic is a word for those who are confident about that of which they speak. It's a handy word that can describe a conclusive concept, a conclusive person, or even that conclusive person's conclusive remarks.

A well-known close relative of apodictic is paradigm ("an outstandingly clear or typical example"); both words are built on Greek deiknynai, meaning "to show."

More distant relatives (from Latin dicere, a relative of deiknynai that means "to say") include dictiondictateedict, and predict..

The I-40 corridor?

No, the speed limit on this road is NOT 40 mph.
It is a joke folks.  A funny, get it?
Ray and Diana were returning from a conference in California and stopped to spend the night at a RV park on the northwest part of Grants New Mexico.  Ray took Tarnie (our Springer Spaniel) for a walk in a small field next to the park.  The field ran parallel along the I-40 corridor.  Walking along the fence line they discovered this route I-40 highway sign just laying in a field.  Ray thought, "if that thing is there in the morning when we go for another walk, I'm going to haul it home."  And sure enough, it was still there.  He couldn't resist, so in the back of the pickup it went.  We got it home, cleaned up a bit, and hung it in our car port.  Unfortunately, we hung it where no one could see it.  So we decided to play a trick on visitors and there it is.

(NOTE: We have no way of knowing how it got there.  Perhaps a large truck got too far off the shoulder and knocked it over the fence.  Or maybe a highway maintenance team didn't want to haul it back to the depot.  But it was there and it is the real thing.)
Authors:  Ray & Diana

Stay Informed of upcoming Oaklake Events - via email.
Each week we send an email showcasing upcoming events, along with, special promotions and coupons.

(to subscribe - click the button below)
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Here is what makes this year's Potluck Different:  We will have take-out containers available for a cash donation of $3.00 - You can fill a container from the leftovers after the dinner.  The money will pay for the meat.  This will prevent the original donor from having to take home a large pan of food to store and eat on for weeks!  If more money is collected than needed for meat, the extra will be donated to the Stroud food pantry.
Click the button below to list the side dish you are bringing.
Thanksgiving Side Dish List



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Contact Us:
(918) 324-5999

2017 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc., All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email due to filling out the contact form on our website at We Thank You for your Interest in our park. We hope to serve you and answer your questions in any way we can.

Our mailing address is:
Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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