Monday, January 8, 2018

Trail Guide Newsletter JANUARY 2018 - Oaklake Trails

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Happy New Year
2018 !!

Office Reminders:

Winter Office Hours are -
SUN - MON - TUE - FRI - SAT = 10:00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m.
(Please schedule visits on those days in advance if possible)

Property Taxes are due.  Also, new rates have gone into effect for the new year.  Please check with the office if you have any questions.

We would like to give a Big OLT Welcome to our new office manager: Darrin Shields!

Upcoming Event:

On new years eve (2017/2018) member's applauded an award ceremony for Dennis.  He always had a unique way of making everyone feel welcome!  His positive attitude and pleasant manner helped first time guests and veteran nudists alike.  His attention to detail and pleasant laugh always lifted our spirits.
We Thank you Dennis for all of your time and care.  Now you may finally have some time to tend your green house and vegetable garden!  We also look forward to seeing you relaxing at the pool, you deserve it!  Thank you for your patience and many years of great service.

"You have done what you could—some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
OLT has a new website coming online this year!  Be on the lookout.  It will always be  All of your favorite things will still be there, such as, the list of events on the calendar page.
The previous webmasters did a great job!  Hat's off to them for keeping us online and getting us this far.  The goal here is simply to evolve.  As you may know, in the tech world things change very quickly and what worked yesterday will not work today.
Advertising has changed drastically in recent years with everything going to mobile.  Like it or not, if we plan to stay competitive in our industry we must "Keep up with the Joneses."
Our goal with the new site is an easy to use, clean look and feel website with a "mobile friendly" platform.  We are doing our best to make the experience as interactive as possible, such as, a live Facebook feed and a secure forum where members can "talk shop" and share in a private online setting.
Eventually the goal is to allow online bookings!  Yes, this means you will be able to schedule a park visit and pay for your room right from the website!
We are also looking into way's to allow Member's to check their status, bill's owed and pay membership dues online.
AANR Article, check the FEB/2018 edition of the bulletin.
Educating and informing the general public of the beauty and benefits of family social nudism is an on-going endeavor by those of us who enjoy nude recreation.
We at Oaklake Trails Naturist Park again promoted AANR and nude recreation when we hosted the AANR Convention this past August. Our press releases to TV, radio, and news papers brought many from the general public to our gates resulting in positive publicity and many new members. Brenda and I received many favorable comments from doctors, restaurant waitresses, and colleagues including a US Congressman at a monthly pilots meeting.
This positive publicity also became evident when our daughter Stacie planned and organized our sixth annual Fall Arts Festival last October.  We had 23 vendors attend to sell their wares. Most were non-nudists who saw first-hand the fun and healthy way we enjoy our way of recreating.  
Events such as these go a long way to bring the non-nudist public into our nudist world. This becomes invaluable especially if some of those non-nudists just happen to be elected officials.
G. Spangler

Stay tuned to the Oaklake Trails website.  Check frequently to view updates.
Next time you are at the park tune in to our radio station:


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2018 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc., All rights reserved.

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(918) 324-5999

Our mailing address is:
Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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