AANR Article, check the FEB/2018 edition of the bulletin. Educating and informing the general public of the beauty and benefits of family social nude recreation. We at Oaklake Trails Naturist Park again promoted AANR and nude recreation when we hosted the AANR Convention. Our press releases to TV, radio, and news papers brought many from the general public to our gates resulting in positive publicity and many new members. Brenda and I received many favorable comments from doctors, restaurant waitresses, and colleagues including a US Congressman at a monthly pilots meeting. This positive publicity also became evident when our daughter Stacie planned and organized our seventh annual Arts Festival last August. We had over 30 vendors selling their wares. Many were non-nudists who saw first-hand the fun and health benefits of our way of recreation. Events such as these go a long way to bring the non-nudist public into our nudist world. This becomes invaluable especially if some of those non-nudists just happen to be elected officials. Gary Spangler, OLT/President |