Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Trail Guide SEPTEMBER 2016




Office Reminders

A little "housekeeping".  The office would like to note a couple of things, such as:  Please use the recepticles provided when disposing of trash; multiple containers are provided; one for aluminimum cans and one for regular trash.  When using the large trash bins at the front gate make sure all boxes are broken down before being placed in the bins.

All visitors must check in at the office upon arrival even if accomponied by an OLT member.  Please shower before entering the pools or hot tub to remove any oils or sunblock products.  This helps keep the pools clean for all to enjoy.
Be careful with muddy tires from riding the trails after a good rain.  Please remember to turn off the lights in the clubhouse when you leave.  Take your dishes home after a potluck and help us clean up afterwards.

Please do not feed the wild animals and watch out for the pigmy snakes.

This years Festival was a big hit!  Lot's of new faces attended the 3 days of festivities, including the sat night cookout and dance!
Incidentally, we ran out of burgers, thanks to Jerry C for providing hot dogs, we fed everyone who was hungry.
Kush Radio was on site for a live broadcast in the meadow before the dance.  Rockin Randal and Rowdy RO also performed several live shows on OLT's new FM radio station "Nude Radio" which broadcasts every day at the park!  Any time your on the OLT grounds tune your dials to 90.3 to hear daily music and announcements.
Hats off to Rowan for organizing, planning and running this successful Event. She also produced the Nudestock flyer which used artwork from the original Woodstock and was shared and viewed by hundreds online.
We look forward to next year!

The office got a face lift this month with the newly stained wooden deck.  A big Thank You to Alan for donating his time and expertise to sand and stain the entire deck from start to finish, it was much needed and appreciated! 

A couple who hadn't been to OLT for a few years enthusiastically exclaimed to me recently that so much has changed since their last visit.  That was true. Since their visit we've added another heated pool and deck, permanent shade awnings, some 80 new pool lounge chairs, four new duplexes, a chapel, new Bistro equipment, increased water storage capacity, and expanded our social media sites along with our new radio station: 90.3 FM. They told me that they had visited numerous clubs and resorts both within and outside the US and had not seen them improve so dramatically.

At that evenings' dance the wife said "this place rocks!". Yes it does. For almost 25 years now this place has "rocked", and we want to keep rockin'. As many of you know our Activities Co-Chairs Tim and Jenn have had to resign. They, like others in the past, have valiantly taken on this position only to realize that family and life in general prevents them from devoting the time and effort needed to provide us with the "robust calendar of events" we expect. Being Activities Chair is a BIG job. The time and effort it takes to plan,organize, direct these events, and find, recruit and hire new talent is substantial.

Rowan W. has offered to step up and take on this challenge. She's got some great new ideas like bringing live bands and other performers to OLT. To do this she has asked for a substantially increased Activities budget. Our BOD has never shied away from difficult decisions and we believe that bringing Rowan onto our team will result in new, fresh and fun entertainment for all at OLT.
We must never forget "Fun is Good"! --- Gary
The Survivor Games 2016 results and winners!
Park News
Join us for this years Fall Arts Festival on SAT OCT 15th.  Plans include live music, vendors of all types, games and a Dance!  Interested in being a vendor?
CLICK HERE to Register



The Library now has books for sale year round!  Individual books are 50 cents each except for mass market paperbacks which are $3 per sack.  Videos are sold "as is": DVD $1.00; VHS 25 cents.

Route 66 Bristow Car, Truck, Bike & Tractor Show SAT oct 8 2016

The Veterans Breakfast is held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at Steak and Eggs.  For more information contact Alex Rodriquez 919-367-1761

Social Media InfographicIn June this year OLT started a new Social Media Campaign, we are proud to say it's going well.  There are new OLT profiles on Pinterest and Instagram, so be on the lookout for our postings on those platforms.  Our strategy in the media is to create consistent, helpful and interesting content that keeps people engaged.  The goal is to grow our membership base by creating interest online to draw in new visitors to the park who in turn become members.  We have gained a considerable reach online in just a few short months.  Our Facebook and Twitter pages have a potential reach of over 20K!  We have a blog on Blogger for the Trail Guide which has had over 3000 views.
We also use these platforms to stay in touch with our current members and we encourage everyone to help us along the way by liking or sharing any content you see us post.
If you see a post from OLT on Facebook please hit the like button, it is appreciated and helps the club get more exposure.  We understand the privacy issue and we certainly don't expect anyone to jeopardize themselves.
That said, if you are able to help, it would be greatly appreciated!

We recognize those who have invested so many years of time and effort in building Oaklake into the beautiful park it is today!

or type this link into any browser >>http://bit.ly/TGsignup

ortype this link into any browser >>http://bit.ly/EmailEvents

Congrats to all of our September Babies!

OAKLAKE WEBSITE - http://bit.ly/oaklaketrails

TRAILGUIDE - http://bit.ly/TrailGuideBlog

FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/OLTfacebookpage

TWITTER - http://bit.ly/OLTtwitter
GOOGLE+ - http://bit.ly/OLTgoogleplus

2016 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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