Thursday, May 4, 2017

Trail Guide Newsletter MAY 2017

Oaklake Trails Newsletter MAY 2017


Office Reminders:

Summer Hours:

Open Everyday from
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
First time visitors are asked to arrive during regular office hours
On Wed & Thu we have a new face in the office.  If you get a chance, stop by the office and welcome Rowan to the Admin team.

Clubhouse Renovations Continue Through the Month of MAY.

NOTE:  The Clubhouse will be Closed for 3 weeks starting Monday May 8th while undergoing repairs.  Please use the Restrooms located by the showers at the pavilion until further notice.

April was full of fun activities!

Entertainment included everything from Bingo and Karaoke to many fun Dances with all of our favorite Performers along with some new ones.  As the warmer weather kicks in we look forward to exciting upcoming events.
May events are exciting, everything from the 5K Run and Memorial Day activities, to the start of the survivor games series and our 25th Anniversary Celebration!  This August we are hosting the

Bistro Opens MAY 6 at 7:00 AM!

We will be serving a wonderful Catfish special on Friday nights as well as a steak special on Saturday nights.  Sundays we will be doing a buffet style dinner after chapel service.   Homemade desserts will always be on hand.

FORWARD (Share this with A friend)
Nudist Bill of Rights
Click above link to View & Sign

For Full Info goto:
Download Frameable PDF Version (3.5MB)
The Annual 5K Run on MAY 13 at 1:00 PM has gathered a great response this year.
If you know of anyone who might be interested, they can signup online by clicking the button below.  This is a great time for first time guests! One price covers grounds fees, race, t-shirt, a cookout and Dance that night!  Great Value!
5K Registration & Payment Online

Stroud Art Walk

May 4, 2017, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM on Main Street
Oklahoma artists will be displaying their artwork hosted by Stroud's Main Street businesses. Children's activities, food vendors, and live music will be set up at various spots along the map. Contact Stroud Arts on Facebook to inquire about displaying your art!


Veterans Breakfast
Date: May 24, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM

Event Description:
The Veterans Breakfast is held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at Steak and Eggs.  For more information contact Alex Rodriquez 919-367-1761

This is our 25th Anniversary!

Established in the summer of 1992.
Since our Inception we have worked to maintain a family friendly atmosphere.  Oaklake Trails is a place where anyone can Experience the freedom of clothes free Social Nude Recreation!

2 Free Apps for
Android & iphone:

(search any app store)
Garden Answers Plant Identification:
Is useful for identifying plants and has a 20,000 plant database.  Take a picture of the plant you want to learn more about, submit it to this app, and you will instantly get information about the plant.

Offers a calendar that suggests what to plant each month, with a guide of nearly 100 common types of garden plants, including how to care for them.  Also features a guide of nearly 100 common types of garden plants, including how to care for them, when to plant, and the specific methods of care.

How Did it start?
WNGD was founded and is organized by Mark Storey, consulting editor for Nude & Natural magazine and
permaculturalist Jacob Gabriel,
as a project of
Body Freedom Collaborative
Why garden naked?
First of all, it's fun! Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family-friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude. Moreover, our culture needs to move toward a healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment.
Plant the Posies with
Garden Pat

10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Help beautify Oaklake Trails by Planting Annuals around the park.
PLACE an AD - Click Here





(918) 324-5999

2017 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc., All rights reserved.

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Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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