Man's Best Friend and OLT
We here at OLT love our dogs and they are a part of our society in many ways. They come to our Sunset Socials and they visit with us and bring smiles to our faces.
They are positive factors in the lives of those of us who choose to include and accept them. They have a place here with us.
That being said, let's talk about the "place" of dogs at OLT. First of all, they are dogs and not people. As such they have to understand their place in the pack as it were and what their boundaries are.
One of those boundaries is a restriction on being able to roam the park alone.
The dog policy at OLT says that, "All pets on the main grounds must be leashed and/or controlled by their owners. Pets are not welcome at the Bistro, or at other food events, or in buildings, unless otherwise permitted (Pet friendly cabins). Clean up after your pets at all times. "
To be considered under control a dog should have their owner with them both to exert that control and to claim responsibility for that dog's behavior. Having a dog is a great thing but you as the owner can't just turn them out to do their own thing because like children, they'll do what they like with no thought to consequences. Their behavior and the consequences of that behavior are your responsibility as the owners.
Also along that same line I'd like to talk about enabling. What we encourage will be repeated, and what we consistently discourage will not. In terms of dog behavior, that means not letting dogs that are not your own sleep at/in your homes. Every dog here has a place but when they are allowed to crash at homes not their own it propagates the impression that they can go anywhere and can consider everywhere their domain. That may seem harmless……until they're digging in your garden or chewing bits that you prefer to have undamaged.
This all being said, we ask that you adhere to a few tenets. First, if it's not your dog don't let it sleep at or in your home. Send them away and do it consistently and they'll go where they're allowed. Their home. Secondly, if it's not your dog, don't feed them. Like any other animal if you feed them they'll keep coming back. Resist those big brown eyes and be strong! :-) Lastly, don't make excuses for them. There is a standard of behavior for them and they have to consistently be held to it. As an example, "Spot isn't allowed in the house but others let him in". Folks, if it's not your dog don't undermine the discipline its owner is trying to instill.
If we stick to these common sense precepts we can keep smiles on both our faces and our furry friends