Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trail Guide Newsletter FEBRUARY 2018 - Blog


Office Reminders:
  • BOD & Committees - The "Interest Indicator Form" is available in the office or online in the OLT Annual Members Forum.
  • The Newsletter "Trail Guide" Classifieds have been moved to the Members Only area on the website.
  • Just as a Reminder, lot rents and the "WTR" fees are due on the First of each month and we are happy to accept payments in advance.


Hello Oaklake Trails.  Most of you already know me but for those who don't, I'm Darren Shields and I'm tasked with the rather daunting mission of filling Dennis Duncan's impressively large shoes.  Ever since my first visit to OLT it's felt like home and it's people like family.  I hope you'll think of me the same way, as family.  I'm here to help and to make this as homelike as possible for you all.  If I haven't met you in person yet stop by and talk for a bit or have a cup of coffee with me.    Here's to a great 2018 and beyond!

Things to do in the City Of Stroud:
EVENTS & Places to go

Dining in the City of Bristow:


OLT has a new Mobile Friendly website calendar.  Our goal is to make it simple and easy to use.

Here are 3 design features to accomplish this:
  1. A large (stationary) color-coaded Calendar button at the bottom of your screen for easy access. (This removes the need to "navigate" the website, simply press the button and it immediately takes you to the Calendar Page.)
  2. Default View for the Calendar is in List view.  This allows for quick scrolling of events on a mobile screen.  To select a month use the blue arrows at the top of the calendar.
  3. An "add to Calendar link".  By clicking on an event a description window will pop up and within this window, there is a link to copy the event to your own google calendar.
The NEW Members Only Area on the website is designed to give us a safe and secure place online to communicate.  There are plenty of online social media sites out there, we are not attempting to compete with them.
It's easy to use, simply go to the forum page on the website and login.
There are 3 Login options:
  1. Facebook Profile
  2. Google Profile
  3. Any regular Email
Once you login for the first time a request will be sent to the OLT office for approval.  This is a "one-time" function and allows the office to maintain control over who receives access.  When we receive a requst we match your name against the annual member list.
There are currently 3 categories to choose from, Classifieds, Events and OLT Documents & Information.  There is more to come, check back frequently as this is a "work in progress."
OLT Annual Members Forum
PRINT - Calendar




2018 Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc., All rights reserved.

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Oaklake Trails Naturist Park, Inc.
24601 Milfay Road Box 1
Depew, OK 74028

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